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April 21, 2012

money or experience?

When faced with a decision: money or experience, I would choose experience. Even though money is undoubtedly essential, I believe that experience is priceless; it can take me to places, connect with many people and broaden my knowledge. For me personally, it is much more rewarding than an amount of money that will eventually be spent for daily goods.

My deceased aunt (God bless her soul) was very strict with money; and she left this world without enjoying her fortune. She chose not to ever go abroad, underwent a diet (that made her reluctant to dine out-of-home) and created a set of boundaries that limited her own space (and the people around her). I never knew whether she's happy or not with her life; but gazing from her way of life, I choose not to follow her footsteps.

I am grateful that I can ladle as much experiences I can while still young and single *forget my whining the other day about being singled-out when most of friends are already married* :p At this point, I am grateful for my freedom (which is prolly envied by women my age who are already busy with their husbands and children that they don't have the luxury of experiencing "me time"). Point is, looking out won't serve any of us a peace of mind.

Speaking about experience, I have come to the realization that what matters in my life has nothing to do with fancy looks, getaways or multiple zeroes in my bank account. They are merely packagings. My past experiences have taught me a better understanding of myself. To name a few are braving myself to show up; trusting that everything is possible; and be content with myself, no matter what. I bet everyone has their own issues to overcome, and as years go by s/he will learn from experience. 

In the long run, I don't want to be recalled as the bitter aunt with numerous savings, but the happy-go-lucky one with a suitcase full of experiences 

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