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April 21, 2012

day 23 2012

Hey, it's the Chinese New Year. Today, I'm going to share the its and bits about this festivity. Let's explore a slice of the Chinese culture's richness.

First of all, why are Chinese so crazy about red and gold? Related to the colors associated with the 5 elements (water, wood, fire, metal, and earth), red is most frequently used because it symbolizes good fortune, prosperity, and happiness; while gold is a symbol of happiness and wisdom.

In line with the new year, every building is believed to also be influenced by a different energy or chi compared to the previous year. The year 2012 (February 4, 2012 - February 3, 2013) is a great year to harvest outcomes because it is a Dragon year with Positive Water element.

According to myths, dragon is a creature that carries strength of the god of wealth, respect, wisdom, and long-life. However, it is recommended that you avoid renovations as well as dig soil. Furthermore, avoid establishing a house or building that faces south throughout the year.

For interior decoration, place a decoration in the form of a frog facing the main doorway or office because frog is a symbol of good fortune and wealth.
In addition, putting on wind chimes can never go wrong. Many centuries ago, wind chimes are designed for ceremony rituals. For the Chinese, wind chimes can diffuse negative energy that enter the house. It is also believed to have the ability to capture positive chi and distribute it equally around the house. To function well, wind chimes cannot be placed too low. Instead, place it in an ideal height so that it won't disturb the traffic or chi energy.

Gong Xi Fa Cai...may prosperity and good fortune be with us :)

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