why, hello there!

It's always a pleasure to have a visitor in my blog. Please have a stroll, make yourself at home, and share your thoughts if you like.

April 21, 2012

wanted: after-work activity - november 6, 2007

As a teacher, I got quite a lot of time to spend after work (normally, I go home around 4-5). Lately, I've been killing time by browsing the net, adding this and that to my profile on the new hot site called facebook.com or watch DVDs (I pronounce you, Chuck and Larry was the latest, superb!).

I realize that it'd be such a waste to not spending that precious time of my still-so-very-productive age on those things. Still looking for something to keep my brain ticks...I've tried Celebrity Fitness, that didn't work too well though...Am interested in language, writing, culinary, the environment, and kids. Would ya give me suggestions, please...(whoever out there, reading this blog).

Searching for something out of the ordinary...
A bit bored, to be frank.

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