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April 21, 2012

day 2 2012

Twitter is regarded as today's most updated source of information. Huge events such as the Ritz Carlton bombing, Japan earthquake and other breaking news emerged first from this social network. Some news, however, isn't always 100% accurate (even if it's posted from a 'credible' media) -- that's why I personally refuse to retweet any news-post without hard evidence.

Last night, I read a posting from a public figure I followed on Twitter: "Rest in Peace, Adesagi...so young, so talented." Then, another Tweet came out from @detikcom: "Two naked men found dead in a bathroom in Bandung." Somehow, I got the feeling that both news are related.  
In the morning, I discovered that the two men were in fact Adesagi (designer) and Randy (model/Adesagi's partner). Out of curiosity, I browsed their individual pages on Facebook & saw pictures of the lovebirds. Aside from all the controversies, they seem to have had a good life together. Bless them. May they now rest in peace...
Death will be a great relief. No more interviews. 
~Katherine Hepburn

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