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April 21, 2012

why your choices are so powerful - Robin Lee

Courtesy of ROBIN LEE on FEBRUARY 4, 2012

It’s incredible how many choices we have to make in a given hour, day or year.  We hear that with each choice is a step.  A step to take us to where we will go tomorrow.  No wonder people worry so much about making the “right” choices and decisions.  Who wants to take the wrong step?
Choices are exciting.  Choices give the opportunity for life to become more alive and new.  Choices are given to us to build confidence.  Choices are gifts to give us the opportunity to take yet another step toward creating more of what we want of in our lives.  Making choices isn’t about making the choice that is “right”.  Right would show that one choice is to be awarded and things will flow nicely — and another choice will create judgment, suffering or difficulty.  No wonder so many of us want to make the right choice!  Talk about pressure!  Who wants to suffer?  All we want is our lives to be easy, loving and flowing.
I have a big secret to share with you.  There are only right decisions.  Instead of worrying about what is right or wrong, imagine simply closing your eyes and asking yourself which decision makes you feel more expansive and alive inside.  Take a big deep slow breath.  Really imagine.  Have courage to trust and listen.  What decision makes you feel more expansive inside?  This is the simplest path to learning to connect to your heart.  Have courage to feel expansive and free.
I find this very eye opening that I want to share it with all of you. You can read the full article here

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