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April 21, 2012

day 19 2012

Looking at my old and present pictures, I notice there's a similarity between most of them. And that is: the length of my hair. It has been dyed, permed, straightened, braided, razored, but the length is always above my shoulders.

Fyi, I used to have long hair throughout my elementary school years. It's quite high maintenance that there were times when I needed assistance to have it washed (you can imagine how long it was). I was so tired of having long hair that I decided to keep it in moderate length (medium at longest) until today. 

I like short-medium hair because it's comfortable, simple and practical. With long hair, I became easily annoyed for its time-consuming washing time, the blow-drys, the straightening-irons. Not to mention the temptation to tie it up as pony tail to minimize the hassle. Of course, there's always an option to go to the salon, but even that agenda requires a long period of time. 

I love looking at girls with long hair, especially those wavy J-Lo-resembling ones, and I do have intentions to grow it a bit longer, to see how it flatters my round face. But I'm not making any promises, though :p 

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