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April 21, 2012

my first couple of days in 2010 - january 2, 2010

On the first day of January, I didn't do anything much, really. Woke up late--something that's very common lately during the days-off--and the first thing I did was checking my emails and facebook account. Saw some pics of a colleague who got married in Bali to a Dutch man on December 28. She wore the best accessory I've ever seen, a big happy smile. I could tell that it's a reflection of relief after several months of planning, arranging, revising and last minute checking...all by herself since her closest relatives were scattered all over Indonesia. The white gown that wrapped her figure was also very flattering, a spaghetti strap Greecian H-line dress with sequins around the bust-line. Simply gorgeous. Something I'd want to slip in too on my wedding day ;)

Anyways, after a double dose of facebooking and twittering, I had a late lunch: nasi pecel & ayam goreng--withOUT turning the TV on like I usually did--and found the routine of 'eating' more delicious than ever. It wasn't because I was hungry, but also because I was so into concentrating on every bite that the food ever felt so blissful. Yummm...it is true what they say that anything done with concentration on the present moment would offer so much pleasure. Not long after, I went to bed early, really early that by the middle of the night, I got up and could no longer shut my eyes.

So, I turned on my laptop, (again) browsed at facebook pics and decided to write a review on this site about Sherlock Holmes the movie I watched the other day. I wrote until around 1.00 am...Welcome January 2nd, 2010. Wrote some birthday wishes for some old elementary school friends notified by FB, and checked on my twitter once in a while. No one's online, except for Desta Club 80's who's as insomniac as I was last night. I finally called it quit when the clock stroke 3.00 am.

As for the upcoming days of 2010, I'd like to quote a friend's status in facebook which I really like:

"Oke, apapun yang terjadi...saya siap memulai lembaran baru dengan keyakinan semua hal yang terjadi memang harus terjadi dan demi kebaikan yang lebih besar semata..." 

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