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April 21, 2012

day 24 2012

I'm currently in my pre-menstrual cycle. The menstruation cycle occurs every 21-30 days for 3-7 days. In case you don't know, it's a biological process in the female reproduction organ that technically releases ovum (eggs) all the way from the ovarian (eggs storage) to its exit, the vagina. The releasing process sometimes involve muscle contractions which cause cramps and aching on the back and/or waist. When feeling tensed or stressed out, the aching can even be more intense.

It is common for women in general to have bigger appetite as preliminary symptom because our metabolism increase three times than usual. Sometimes, we may feel a bit drowsy and weak. We also feel hotter because our body temperatures increase during this cycle. Not to mention, the periodical mood swings that make women 10 times more sensitive.

Despite of all the discomfort, however, menstruation is a blessing. The fact that we can have period means that we can have the chance to get pregnant and have babies. From our wombs, we can give birth to a future Steve Jobs or Michael Jackson.

As Katherine Trevelyan put it into words, "At a birth, the heavens lean down, or perhaps it is that the racked body is spun fine to be aware of the eternal things - we women hardly know how lucky we are in this."

So, I'm going to take it easy in embracing my menstrual cycle. From my experience, long walks or sport activities conducted two or three weeks in advance help me to reduce the body-upsets. Using "koyo" can also be helpful in handling cold sweats and vomiting-urges. Take deep breaths. Listen to soothing music. Do yoga. You too can find the best method that works.

Let's embrace our womanhood with a little <3

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