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April 21, 2012

day 5 2012

Today I went for a check up at the hospital after 3 months of post surgery. The moment I walked in the doctor's room, she greeted with a wide smile, "Ah, you look so fresh..." and guided me to the hospital bed for a USG. She rolled the tool on my stomach and asked, "Well, any 'plans' yet?" -- I knew she was asking when the wedding bells will ring. I just laughed and said, "Not at the moment, but I'd be ecstatic if you have a potential groom that might just match my profile." After 5 minutes or so, she said, "The right ovarian is clean, no signs of abnormality." Phew...was I relieved!

At the end of our meeting, she said, "Our next meeting will be 6 months from now. You'll also be required to have a blood check, just to examine how things go...I'll expecting 'good news' on your next visit!"

I'm grateful enough that everything looks good in there. About the wedding issues, I believe that 'the one' will automatically enter my life as I grow more confidence in myself & faith in the whole relationship itself (it's challenging for me to build trust in relationships; this is due to my previous experiences & surroundings). 

The one and only thing I need to focus on is myself. I notice that when a woman feels good about herself, she won't hesitate to express herself & communicate her feelings through positive gestures with other people. That's the key. Every change in my life starts from myself. When I start to think & do things differently, my universe will change as well. 

Cheers to revelation, changes & discoveries  

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