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April 21, 2012

day 27 2012

Today is counted as the beginning of the last weekend of the month. In the spirit of D.I.Y, I want to share a simple recipe to make Hot & Spicy Party Mix Nuts. Peanuts are great source of protein and a good friend to the heart.

Here's how to make your own home-made Party Mix Nuts:
  1. Melt 2 table-spoons of butter on a non-stick frying pan 
  2. Then, put 1 kg of your favorite nuts (cashew, almond, pistachio, etc.) and stir until the nuts are evenly coated with melted butter
  3. Add 1 tea-spoon of salt, 1 tea-spoon of sugar, 1 tea-spoon of paprika powder, 1 teaspoon of chili powder, 1/4 tea-spoon of turmeric powder and 1/4 tea-spoon of pepper
  4. Keep stirring at medium heat until the nuts are cooked 
  5. Cool them off and store in an air-tight container
Don't forget to go for a walk after snacking this treat because the calories contained in a handful of nuts = 20 minutes of walking.

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