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April 21, 2012

day 4 2012

Tweet of the day: @ReneCC: Entrepreneurs shall do what they love on their own terms. Great money shall follow. #CareerChat

Rene Suhardono, the owner of the account, is a motivational speaker & writer of a book about following one's passion. The words resonate to me since it's only yesterday that I conversed with a good friend of mine who's planning on shifting gear from school teacher to entrepreneur. She expressed her intentions to run her business full time and resign from teaching in her current school in June. A brave move. Nonetheless, I believe that nothing is impossible.

She also mentioned about becoming a private tutor in an institution called Bamboo Schooling. Described as an institution which supports education for poor mothers & children -- while at the same time obtaining provision for its maintenance from private tutoring -- I grew an interest in discovering more about this institution. I was more intrigued when she told me that its layout adapts natural style & the classes are small huts made of bamboo. Can't wait to see it for myself...

I could hear a 'clicking' sound in my head because I also have a dream to establish a similar institution with. At the moment, I have 13 students (including 5 of my nieces & nephews) whom I teach English. Most of them are children who come from underprivileged families. Education is their right. Therefore, I don't charge them as much for attending my class. Who knows? In the next 5 years, I might have Bamboo Schooling of my own  


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