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April 21, 2012

day 14 2012

Being a freelancer in a world where "normal" is a term that describes work as going to the office early in the morning, occupied from 9 to 5 under an institution and go home late at night is not easy. But it is the path I've chosen. I've worked in several offices and schools, but I love freelancing the best.

Here are the 10 things I'm grateful of for being a freelancer:

1. Freelancing gives me the room to explore various things I couldn't do if I work under an institution. I can teach, write and perform my skill in many ways
2. It allows me to skip the wearyness of dragging my feet to go the office or get stuck in rush hours (which happens mostly every hour these days)
3. I can plot my own working hours and establish my "office" wherever I please
4. The luxury of waking up a little bit late on that cold breezy rainy morning (need I say more?
5. I have more time to do the things I love doing (journaling, blogging, mall-ratting, etc.)
6. Though freelancing, it doesn't mean that I'm broke. Freelancers usually have regular projects that maintains the bread supply on the table (and sometimes, the wine on the cellar ;))
7. I don't have to shop for office clothes or worry about what to wear in the morning
8. I have the privilege to replace client-meetings with insightful and productive brainstorms
9. My weight is under control because I don't search for comfort food anymore when feeling stressful from work
10. I'm living my dream :)

 There's only one word I can say, and it's "Alhamdulillah..."

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