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April 21, 2012

cinderella & snow white - september 2, 2007

Sitting attentively in front of me were two 9 yro boys, Branco & Arya. I'm all ready with my lesson plan that particular day, 'sequencing events in a story'. As an intro, I intended to make sequences on a story that I'm sure they're familiar with.

With my 'not-bad-at-all' sketching skill, I began to draw a few boxes and  fill them in with (my-idea-of) a  princess, a castle, the evil witch, etc. The kids were like..."oh, look at that horse...and that castle..." and I got taken over by pride (but of course, I acted as normal as possible a.k.a jaim as if doing it was as easy as a-b-c).

"Sssh, quiet please!" I said to them. And as they lower their volume, I began my lesson.
"...Once upon a time, there was an evil witch who had a magic mirror that could give answers to any question. Every single day, she asked her mirror: 'Mirror...Mirror on the wall...Who's the prettiest girl of all? And the mirror always answered: 'Cinderella, of course.' Blah..blah..blah..and Cinderella bit the poisoned apple..."   
"Ibu Miraaaa!!! Isn't this a story about Snow White???How come you kept on saying 'Cinderella'? I have the DVD at home...and that is 'Snow White' NOT 'Cinderella'..." shouted Branco.
Holy sh**t, he's right!!!!
Like it or not, I gotta admit my 'disoriented-fairytale-main-character' to those Grade 3s... Don't wanna be accused for misleading the kids either.
"Hmm, actually...you're right, Branco. Good memory...actually I was only testing you guys whether you remember that story or not, and you did! It IS Snow White. Great work!"
My colleagues laughed so hard...As soon as I handed in their worksheets, I couldn't hold it anymore. I  laughed my own silly-willyness...How could I possibly 'mislocated' the main character of a fairytale I've been told and watched ever since my childhood?

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