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April 21, 2012

me, next five years - january 19, 2009

“How do you see yourself in the next five years?”

This question has been asked zillions of times, mostly by people interviewing professionals as candidates to fill in a particular job. Sometimes, I ask the same question to myself, especially at the end of the year. I am a teacher and a student. As a student, I am still learning to know myself better and understand how to have a good management of life (if there is such thing) in order to have a peace of mind at the end of the day. As a teacher, when I relate the question to the five main learned lessons in the Language Arts subject I am currently teaching, the answer would be able to disected into pointers as these:

 Reading I would be able to read people’s characters intuitively and deal with any complement as well as complication easily. I would carry myself truthfully and respectfully as I have been well taught by life itself.
 Speaking. The words spoken through my lips would not be judgmental. The tone of my voice would speak by itself for it has gone through a lot of learning to gain its wisdom and peace.
  Listening I would be able to listen more accurately to the voice within whenever I find myself lost in translation.
 Grammar I would correct my ‘grammatical’ errors and thankful for be given them as reminders to remain at the right path.
 Writing In my most devastating moments, I would be connecting myself with the Almighty through writing, knowing that He is always 'online'.

In the next five years, I hope to find my peace of mind as simple as the structures of the Language Art subject I've been repetitively delivering to my students.

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