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April 21, 2012

I think people have the tendency to label and make stereotypes in the name of practicality. All the classifying and categorization make the process of *selection made in this world much easier (*selection: friends, spouse, even places to go). However, many times, stereotyping is inapplicable. More than merely black and white, we are colors of the rainbow.

Take doctors, for instance. All these times, doctors are known to be a saintly occupation. Thus, they are highly respected within the community. Parents-in-law-to-be would go crazily happy if their child gets married to a person with a doctor title before his/her name. What they don't know is that doctors, too, can get themselves tangled into affairs with nurses in the hospital -- I know this from an insider. They can be an obnoxious individual underneath those white coats (yet since they are called 'doctors', patients would value their opinion anyway) -- I know one who is horrifically self-centered and fanatic-religious-minded, I wonder if how he could serve his patients who derives from various skin color, background and religion sincerely. I'm also acquainted with some people who intentionally choose to be doctors for the single fact that it makes a lot of money, and practices improper treatment in order to get fast money by instant results (plenty of from aesthetic and beauty, which are on high demand at the moment, thanks to the capitalist industry brainwashing the community with beauty image of fair and slim). So to speak.

Other than doctors, I've also witnessed my academically-smart friends with skyscraping grades at school who did not turn to be much of contribution in the community after they graduated; some stressed out and became drug addicts because of outer-demands they cannot fulfill. Some became average Joes and Janes. There are many factors that makes them what they are today. Idealism, for one. Probably every one has a golden momentum in their lives, on which my smart friends' was then in our school years. Or, simply the fact that each person's life line is written, and there's nothing to whine (or judge) about.            

Stereotype is nonsense.Teachers mislead students; Police officers violate rules; Parents destruct offspring. Now that we have an understanding, nothing is ever as it seem. Next time, keep an open mind before making any judgment. Let loose and let your conscience be your guidance.

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