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April 21, 2012

a recap of 2007 - december 27, 2007

The 2008 New Year is about to arrive (very) soon. Looking back at the beginning of 2007, I recalled my return to the teaching business after a major dilemmatic decision-making I had to go through. At the beginning, I was so excited! Not wanting to permanently stay offline from the field I have a huge interest in, an opportunity came knocking on my door. I got a fun novel editing project from one of the colleagues in my previous office. I also experienced translating some brain-tickling-magazine-articles. Loved them so much that I didn’t mind getting a bit red-eyed the day after.

Thank goodness, I’ve been surrounded by some of the most amazing people who taught me to open my mind and try to look at things from different point of views. It really helped me in reducing the tendency of being judgmental towards others. I learned to forgive myself for my wrongdoings and that I am not alone in this trial and error process.

Anyways, at the end of the year, I was assigned as an event coordinator. It was my first time, and I felt a bit shaky. However, I just winged it. And at the end of the day, I found that the traditional ‘hand-in-hand’ method is still the most effective way of producing a successful event. Sweeeeet!

On the first Saturday of my day-offs, I had a trip to Bandung. It was a really good one. Met a few new people who openly shared their life experiences. Well, it’s not every day you meet a person who started to work at the age of 13 and spent 14 years of his lifetime painting walls, mowing neighbors’ lawn, and became a masseur for sport injuries until he got enough money to buy a house, then rented it to decent people while he lives in a caravan near the beach and spend his leisure time motor-biking in the mountains and plans for a holiday traveling the world. What a life! 
2008, Here I come *^.^*

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