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April 21, 2012


When I was in elementary school, I learned that the source of energy on earth is the sun. Without solar energy, there would be no plants, and no plants means no life. Later, I discovered that everything in life contains energy; water, fire, animals, even us human beings.

Here, I'm talking about a different kind of 'energy'. Apparently, each person, each place radiate a certain kind of energy. A friend of mine shared her idea that people with negative emotions carry a thick, dense energy; while people with positive emotions carry a light and carefree energy. Thick energy can make others feel heavy and tired easily. Ironically, they are the ones who are flocked with followers. Gossipers, for instance. Being lighthearted won't win a popularity contest, for sure. A person with certain energy will attract similar ones. There's a saying: "If you want to know what a person is like, just take a look at the personality f his or her friends." The concept does make sense, because we tend to find like-minded friends with similar visions, right?

'New-agely' speaking, the universe responds to the vibration of the energy  we let go, whether it's negative or positive. What you seek is what you will get. For instance, a woman is eager to find life partner. But her past experiences reasoned that men are jerks, cheaters. As much as she's willing to, if she doesn't remove her false belief that men are like what she has in mind, she will keep on getting what she "is looking for".

The world is full of energy. Even money is energy. Don't idolize it, don't demonize it. Own it. If we believe that we are filled with abundance flowing energy, we will always feel enough, and money (or soulmate and new opportunities)  will come to us in the most peculiar ways. The things we desire will come to us, simply when we are ready and deservant enough to accept it 

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