A friend's status on Facebook: "I think Marissa Haque is a crazy lunatic!"
Led by curiousity, I browsed her twitter account (@HaqueMarissa) and blog http://marissahaque.blogdetik.com/. Apparently, she's in the middle of a twitwar with Dee Kartika Djumadi, a lecturer and entrepreneur -- who posted a status on Twitter: "Marissa Haque did not finish her doctoral program because it was suspected that her final dissertation was completed was someone else."
Whether or not this person is saying the truth, the celebrity immediately fumed and made a scene through public networks. She also brought along big names such as Addie MS and Memes (producers of a religious album with Dee Kartika as one of the singers) and even their son, Kevin Aprilio.
She tweeted, "Prove to me that Dee Kartika Djumadi, who is only a Gunadharma graduate (according to FEMA IPB's Dean), is a true PhD from Holland". This statement has caused a stir which, sadly, made people point fingers on her in Twitterland. She was very defensive and claimed several accounts that she refers as "supporters"; but wait...check this and this.
A different respond was given by Valencia M R (@justsilly): "Let's not waste our energy for that. Sebagai org terpelajar, mba bs melakukan banyak hal, for the future.. For Better Indonesia :)" >> This comment was responded with the exact same words mentioned previously.
There won't be any smoke if there's no fire. Surely, she won't be as she is today without incidents in her past. I just hope she'll get herself together soon.
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